Quality Certification

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Quality Certification: Perfect synchronization of pitch, notes and beats, is required, to get a sonorous harmony or symphony and the same way, to achieve quality, all resources to be pooled together, attentions to be focused, processes to be streamlined ,practices to be defined and finalized , so that desired output can be achieved first time, every time and all the time. Quality consistency is a handy tool, which can chisel out mammoth statues .One failure may lead to loss of business.

Alertness, team spirit, involvement of people, taking lead in all management issues, performing sequential operations, as per planned arrangements, taking care of customer centered approach, propounding well structured duties, does and don’ts of personnel, interdependent fruitful relationship with all in the business spectrum, taking up all decisions based on analytical mind, facts and figures etc are considered as fundamental principles to perpetuate policies ,practices and develop pragmatism in work culture

Everyone has to contribute for quality.

It may be a simple work or a complicated one. Like compartments of a train attached to the engine, linking is important. If the link is weak, detachment will take place and none can reach the destination. Communication is such a link. We may have oral communication.

But if the group is big, it is very difficult to judge whether everyone is listening, comprehending etc. Best mode of communication is through written instructions, preferably some pictorial depictions which may very easily transfer the message. The impact is long lasting and can penetrate to any level. The moment one sees the instruction, he or she remembers his/her role play and even starts working towards it.

An instruction can be a good training tool as well. One need not memorize the instructions .Whenever and wherever doubt he/she can refer to that and clarify/correct himself/herself. Instruction is a permanent mode of communication and the effort taken is one time, but can benefit all

Many such instructions put together can become a procedure, describing the sequence of operations.

One can demonstrate to another person that he/she is following the instruction, in its letter and spirit and the second person approves his methodology of rendering a job and its results through record keeping. This is what an auditor does and if he /she is convinced with the approach, performance and outcome, recommends the organization for quality certification.

The entire audit formalities are done in a transparent manner, giving full opportunity to the Audi tee to equip him/her thoroughly. A fair chance is given to the Audi tee to prove him/her and if any deviations are noticed, they can be corrected and to avoid future recurrence, some valid preventive actions can also be taken. The whole idea of quality certification process is to ensure that customer is not receiving any nonconforming product or service and that his/her interests are well protected.

Quality Certification is a noble system and encourages everyone to play his/her card effectively and efficiently .We will blow your trumpet ,once we are convinced that your planning and execution match with each other and that no gap exists Please come forward for a fair play and we are here to protect your interests, investments and intelligent approaches

Quality Certification

Quality Certification Yola Blog